Meet Bosch jobfair in Wuhan (3/24) (9:00-16:00)
For fresh graduate
Job Fair Location: 武汉硚口区汉口解放大道630号
Bosch (Wuhan) Thermotechnology Welcomes You and your friends
1. If you are interested in our position in Wuhan, pls send your English and Chinese CV to
We will invite you to the Job Fair in Wuhan to take interview.
2. you are also welcomed to our Job Fair and bring your resume to us on 3/24
You can reach our position in the link bellows
Working Location: 武汉市江夏区藏龙岛工业园
Boiler Designer (R&D) (fresh graduate) (热能动力学)
Roles and Responsibilities
1). Responsible for boiler design according to national and enterprise standard.
2). Responsible for all kinds of boiler calculation, suchas thermalcalculation,draft resistance calculation, strength calculation ofpressure parts, water circulation calculation.
3). Responsible for auxiliary matching design.
4). Responsible forsales, marketing and service support.
5). Other works assigned by superiors
Qualification Requirement
1). Education requirement: college graduate and postgraduate approved by the Ministry of Education
2). Major requirement: boiler and thermal energy power both during bachelor and master.
3). Computer skills: Good at MS Office software and designing software.
4). Quality and ability: learning, innovation, communication, analysis and judgment, problem solving ability.